Bahlam Capital is Central America’s first growth-focused private capital fund, making strategic equity investments in scalable, growing companies in the region

Central America lacks a dedicated, independent private capital manager with a differentiated strategy and a clear impact goal. Bahlam is well-positioned to fill this void.

Sparking Growth in the Region

While some investors see a red flag, Bahlam sees an opportunity. Central American countries are not growing at their potential. The region faces numerous intractable problems, yet there’s an opportunity for positive impact through transformational investments in mid-sized companies.

Picture of a man welding

A Clear Impact Goal

We identify, fund, and execute on the most promising growth options for medium-sized companies in the region. Our approach—backed by our track record—leads to significant employment creation.

Building Scale

Bahlam looks for companies with the know-how to operate in a challenging environment, as well as those keen to move up the value creation chain.

We are operationally-driven investors, with a hands-on approach to growing and building businesses.

steps in Tikal

Bringing Unique Value for the Region

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